A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Muir Beach 50K Race Report

The Muir Beach trail run, which is put on by the fine PCTR team, is all about views and climbs.  It’s an absolute must if you live anywhere near San Francisco. With the exception of tight parking and long walk to the start, the event is flawless.  You have the option of running the 11K,…

Race report: PCTR Sequoia 50K

  Just the Facts, Ma’am: Elevation Gain: 5030′ Course Description: The course travels through the Oakland Hills by way of Joaquin Miller Park and Redwood Regional Park.  It is a fairly technical course (at least based on my experience) that wanders primarily through forest, with an abundance of canopy, a smattering of creeks, and a…

Muir Beach 33K Race Report: I ran. I walked. I crawled.

I completed the PCTR Muir Beach 33K yesterday.  As the title implies, it became more brutal over time. I ran the first half beautifully, coming in well under two hours.  It was probably the most gorgeous run I have ever done.   Around every curve you could see the Golden Gate Bridge, or the Bay…

Race Report: PCTR Stinson Beach 30K

This is the third race in a row I am experiencing ‘blogger’s block’.  I want to write something meaningful and profound. Sadly, I don’t have much meaningful and profound to say. Perhaps it is because I talk a lot. By the time I get to the computer, I have talked during the race, after the…

Race Report: PCT Pacifica 21K

I ran the PCT 21K in Pacifica, California, this morning. It was hot! I really enjoy the trail running events put on by Pacific Coast Trails. I think they do a nice job, provide a valuable service, and are a fine group of people. Across the board, I recommend the PCT experience. Having said that,…